How much does Cub Scouting Cost?
The yearly registration cost is $100. This helps pay for awards and events. In addition, we hold an annual popcorn fundraiser to raise money for scouting events. At all pack events, scouts are free. At the beginning of scouting, a uniform must be purchased, but this uniform can be used for several years. An individual den may charge a few dollars each month as den dues to help defray the cost of materials used on projects (such as building bird feeders).
How much time commitment does scouting require?
In most cases, only about 3 times per month. A scout will have a den meeting on a weekday evening twice per month and a pack meeting/activity on a weekend once a month. Most pack events are fun-filled activities that last a couple of hours. We have at one or two weekend campouts each year.
How are parents involved?
Cub Scouting is a family program. Dads and/or moms accompany their scouts to most events and use this time to create lasting memories. For Tiger Cub events, a parent must accompany the Tiger Cub at all times. Our pack has a good balance of moms, dads and siblings participating as their schedules allow. All camping for the pack is family camping and siblings are welcome and encouraged.
Parents are encouraged to use their talents to help the pack in whatever way they are comfortable. Parents who want to become more involved can become den leaders, assistant den leaders, committee members or volunteer to help set up or clean up events. Parents can arrange for tours of their places of work (such as a police station) or help scouts learn about a hobby of theirs (such as wildlife watching). There are lots of big and small ways to become involved.